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Q. Minimata disease occurs-

Q. Minimata disease occurs - ?
    मिनीमाता रोग किसके कारण होता हैं ?
(A) Combustion of petroleum / पेट्रोलियम पदार्थों के दहन से 
(B) Pollution of Mercury in water / जल में मरकरी के प्रदूषण से 
(C) Excess of arsenic in water / जल में आर्सेनिक की अधिकता से 
(D) Excess of nitrate in water / जल में नाइट्रेट की अधिकता से 

ANS:- (B) Pollution of Mercury in water / जल में मरकरी के प्रदूषण से। 


Mercury: = Pollution of Mercury in water is the reason of Minimata disease. Minamata disease is not really a disease in the strict sense of the word; it is a neurological syndrome that results from industrial pollution and environmental contamination. It means that poisoning with the pollutant has an effect on the central nervous system. The specific pollutant responsible for this condition is methyl-mercury .

Arsenic: = In the presence of arsenic in water can cause cancer in the Skin, Lungs, Bladder, and Kidney. It can also cause other skin changes, such as Thickening and Pigmentation.

Nitrate: =  In the presence of  too much nitrogen, as nitrate, in drinking water can be harmful to young infants or young livestock. Excessive nitrate can result in restriction of oxygen transport in the bloodstream. Infants under the age of 4 months lack the enzyme necessary to correct this condition ("blue baby syndrome").

Combustion of petroleum / पेट्रोलियम पदार्थों के दहन से :- Combustion of petroleum is the reason of Air pollution. 

Causes of Minimata disease:-

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