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Something which lasts forever

Q1. Find error in sentence---
Sentence:- I know that he wants to go home earliest.
(A) I know that
(B) go home earliest
(C) he wants to 
(D) no error
ANS: = (B) go home earliest
Correct sentence:- I know that he wants to go home early.

Q2. Find error in sentence---
Sentence:- She ran so fastly that I could not overtake her.
(A) not overtake 
(B) that I could
(C) She ran so fastly
(D) No error
ANS: = (C) She ran so fastly
Correct sentence:-  She ran so fast that I could not overtake her.

Q3. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom-- 
Idiom:- Cup of tea
(A) Something refreshing
(B) Something that pleases one
(C) A feeling of elation
(D) A useless search
ANS: = (B) Something that pleases one

Q4. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom-- 
Idiom:- Something which lasts forever 
(A) Temporal
(B) Annual 
(C) Eternal
(D) Peripheral
ANS: = (C) Eternal


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